Posted in Other Stuff, Tags

The Blogger Recommendations Tag

Hello Everyone! I hope you all are fine!

So, this is the first tag I am doing on this blog. This tag was created by Nehal from Quirky Pages. I am doing this tag as I was tagged by Riddhi @ Whispering Stories. Thank you Riddhi for nominating me and let’s get to the tag!

What is it about?

The Blogger Recommendations Tag is essentially a way for bloggers to share some of their favourite bloggers with their readers. It helps the readers discover more blogs and also brings appreciation to the bloggers mentioned.

The Rules:

  1. Thank and link back to the person who tagged you.
  2. Mention the creator of the tag: Nehal @Quirky Pages
  3. List the rules.
  4. Share one or more bloggers you think fits into each criteria.
  5. The people you mention will be considered tagged.
  6. Apart from the ones you shared, you can tag other bloggers and notify them.
  7. Just have fun!!

Here’s the list of prompts:

  • A fascinating blog theme
  • A lovely home page
  • Great book reviews
  • Amazing humour
  • Mind-blowing poems and stories
  • The friendliest
  • The most consistent
  • The best at sharing tips
  • The talented artist
  • Cool site name
  • The underrated

1. A fascinating blog theme

Okay, so for this one I’ll go with Cherelle @ A Bolt Out Of The Book and Cindy @ Unique Times. Cherelle’s blog is so organized. Cindy’s blog theme is so unique, just like her blog. They are just amazing!

2. A lovely home page

Ashmita @ the fictional journal. It is enough to make you follow her because it is so home-like and calm. She worked very hard on it.

3. Great book reviews

Riddhi @ Whispering Stories. Her reviews are amazing. It is enough to make you read that book.

4. Amazing Humour

I have to agree with Nehal on this one, Aashi @Words on Fleek has an amazing sense of humour. So does Moi @ Definitely Moi. And how can I forget you Nehal.

5. Mind blowing poems and stories

Ranjhan @ Fancy world of writing, his poems on life will remind you of the amazing years of your life while also hoping the best for the future. Gabriela @ Short Prose, she is a #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author. Her poems are so deep, I just love them.

6. The friendliest

Cindy @ Unique Times. She is so friendly. If you want to have a friendly talk, get in Cindy’s comments section. Also, Naemi @ A Book Owl’s Corner. She’s so sweet, she even reads blogs when she’s not active!

7. The most consistent

Pooja G. @ Lifesfinewhine. She manages to stay consistent despite her studies.

8. The best at sharing tips

Riddhi @ Whispering Stories / The Human Book Club and Pooja G. @ Lifesfinewhine. For advice on various topics head over to their blogs.

9. The talented artist

Evin @A Curly Sue’s Ramblings does some amazing digital art, make sure you check it out! And also the tanka art by Soni @ Soni Cool is just amazing.

10. Cool site name

Riddhi @ Whispering Stories. I wish I could have come up with that name because it’s so cool!

11. The Underrated

Dhriti @ The Tomboy Diaries and Devangi @ Just penning down my thoughts. They definitely deserve more attention. So, go and check them out!

Everyone I have mentioned can consider themselves tagged! See you guys soon. Be safe, healthy and happy!

I hope you do follow all these blogs if you haven’t already, and please do this tag, it’s pretty fun!


I am a Student, Blogger and Programmer. I love blogging as it gives you the power to express yourself. I live in Delhi, India. My hobbies are Reading, Writing and Coding.

13 thoughts on “The Blogger Recommendations Tag

  1. Aren’t you the cutest Srishti!!!
    I’m flattered by the honor my friend.. wow.. you named me twice.. soooo impressed.
    I thought you would say most famous.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thanks truly my friend.. you kind of nailed me I think. you know I am award free but you know… i’ll try to surprise you sometime next year.. putting this in my nots. Thanks so much for your kindness! 💖

    Liked by 1 person

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